The girls don’t imagine their life without a handbag. A handbag – is first of all her hiding-place where the most important things are kept. A handbag also have to complement the look, making it more wining, a handbag have to be capacious, it should not interfere - constrain movement and should not bring discomfort. On the fashion parade of popular fashion houses was very much variations. The most popular was these models:
1. The handbags of reptile skin or reptile imitation in leather is very popular in bag’s production. Their colors are very different from black&white to bright colors – green, saturated brown etc.

The various forms – for example the spacious big bags with chains or little purses with thin straps. Almost all fashion houses presented such bags.

2. The fur handbags - are trend of fall-winter 2015-2016 season. All brands are presented these models on the fashion shows.

The most famous bags are: simple shopping of monochrome color fur or the handbags realized in fur with spotted “leopard” colors.

The purses and clutch bags are remain in trend are wear in arm or on the shoulder.
3. Stylish Cubic bags. The cube form is very popular in this season. In many fashion shoes it-s possible to see the bag like to suitcase for professional make-up artists. There are also the soft leather handbags in form of cube. It looks win-win and very fashion.

Everyone will find the bag for her own taste among the different colors and materials.
4. Bags with fringes. Yes the 70 years fashion is come back. On the most fashion shows are presented the suede bags with fringes. They look showily and like to Hippy style. Are presented in defferent colors, with different handles – chains, solid leather straps.

These bags add the femininity and sensuality it looks very lovely and interesting.
5. Casual style convenient bags. They have the simple rectangular form.

Many designers find the creative and unusual solutions for make maximum comfortable the bag: the bags resembling marsupial, the bags fastened on the back.

Backpacks are also trendy.