Men's bag is not an uncommon nowadays . Many years ago, the bag was exactly a masculine accessory. Travelers, hunters, merchants and other representatives of social environment used it to carry their money and other necessary things.
However the society keeps pace with the times and today we have a wide choice of men’s bags of any shapes, patterns and colors for any occasion. Each gentleman has a bag in his wardrobe. Fashion-2016 provides a large selection of all kinds of bags such as portfolio, clutches, briefcases and others.

Fashion industry for office workers offers to observe a strict dress code, so а brief-bag will be the best for this case and will complement business image.
Leather briefcases without sharp corners are trendy in 2016.

Usually there is no decoration on men’s bags or it’s simple and low-key. It could be made with an additional closure or insertion of suede.

Also a leather portfolio of any classic color (black, brown, dark blue, etc.) would be the best choice for a man,who is keeping business lifestyle.

A bag with shoulder strap (messengers) would be the best for everyday use. It can be any color and form. Such bags are especially popular among young people, high school students and university students. As a rule, these bags are made of dense materials, equipped with sturdy handles.

Clatch-bag is perfect option for the gentlemen, who doesn’t like to carry a lot of things. Clatch-bags are hand carried. Clutches can be made of the skin of reptiles, such as snakes and crocodiles.

Holdall bags are perfect for those who like to travel. Such bags are made of sturdy, but lightweight fabrics, have a rectangular shape and is easily opened with a zipper. Such colors as brown, black, blue, burgundy and gray are trendy in 2016.

Nowadays sport bags are made of fabrics and even leather or suede. That is why these bags are widely used to carry a sport uniform , but can also be used as a bag for travelling.

The main rule in the selection of men's bag is for what purpose it is acquired. Right choice of your bag unreservedly accentuate the style and taste of its owner.