Business bags - laptop bags and carryall bags
27 items, page 2 of 2
27 items, page 2 of 2
Discover the wide selection of designer work bags in our shop and buy online. Find the best prices for bags from the new collections and current outlet price offers.
The universal business bags, for men or women, are designed in neutral and rigorous colors, and made of resistant technical materials. The most prestigious variants are of genuine leather.
The models of the Tote bags - laptop bags are compact, practical, camacious, made with short handles and adjustable crossbody shoulder strap. They are perfect for carrying office items, computers, mice, tablets, documents or catalogs.
Their main feature is the presence of a padded internal compartment for a Notebook, with a fastening strap or other compartments that accommodate PCs, or iPads, and other small accessories such as USB sticks or pens.
This type of bags also called business bags or work bags are ideal for a professional look thanks to the elegant classic or modern design. They are suitable for professionals who are always on the go and for those who need to have their documents and work projects always with them. In our online shop you will find laptop bags and carryall bags of famous Italian brands: CK Calvin Klein Black business bag for laptop 14; Armani Exchange men's black business carry-laptop 15; BRIC'S BY Travel bag / weekend bag of blue polyamide - Medium size;